Did You Know? Volunteering Facts

Did you know… ?

  • We know everyone is busy – we all have kids! We appreciate any amount you can contribute. Many hands make for lighter work!
  • Most committee work is short term
  • Most of the work takes place via email
  • Committee meetings are scheduled at a time that the committee members can meet. No one is excluded because they work during the school day. Grade level rep meetings and some staff appreciation are exceptions as they need to happen while staff is present.
  • You can still be involved even if you can’t attend regular meetings.
  • Lost and Found volunteers are always needed and are welcome to come in off-school hours to work.
  • Volunteering is a great way to meet other families and become part of the community.
  • There are tasks like data entry, baking, shopping, and making calls that you can do on your own time.
  • When there are day of volunteers needed, a Sign Up Genius Sheet will be shared via the Monday Blast, room parents, Facebook and other communications. The specific shifts will be explained and you can find the ones that fit your schedule.
  • There isn’t a way to “buy out” of volunteering because we can’t hire staff to run things. Helping hands are just a necessity.
  • We welcome any time you can give!

More about the PCO’s Volunteer Opportunities