PCO Steering Committee Responsibilities and Committee Structure

Appendix A: PCO Steering Committee Responsibilities and Committee Structure

All Steering Committee members are expected to:

  • Act as positive role models for the PCO.
  • Attend and participate in PCO and Steering Committee meetings throughout the school year.
  • Respond to or acknowledge all PCO related communication within 48 hours.
  • Demonstrate willingness to participate in committee work.
  • Volunteer at schoolwide events and fundraisers.
  • Provide input for and assist in planning PCO meetings.
  • Follow the bylaws of the PCO.
  • Abide by the will of the majority.
  • Respect the privacy of all business and members of the Steering Committee.
  • Meet deadlines and fulfill commitments.
  • Resign if unable to perform these responsibilities as a member of Steering Committee.

Officer Responsibilities

  • Create meeting agendas and preside over all PCO Meetings.
  • Receive email sent to a designated PCO/Steering Committee email account and respond accordingly.
  • Work directly with the ECS administrators as a main point of contact between the school and the PCO.
  • Act as a positive role model and spokesperson for the PCO.
  • Plan the calendar for PCO meetings for the school year.

Vice Chairs (each representing one school building)

  • Work directly with the principals as a main point of contact between the school and the PCO.
  • Assist the PCO Chair and other Steering Committee members to ensure all PCO events are successful.
  • Fill in for Chair on an as-needed basis.
  • Check PCO mail box at each school building or designate someone to check the mailboxes on a weekly basis.


  • Record minutes of PCO Steering Committee and general meetings (including records of votes in meetings and online) and prepare minutes for online viewing.
  • Send out thank you letters for monetary donations (for the general PCO budget) from donors.
  • Conduct Steering Committee correspondence.
  • Check PCO voice mail regularly.
  • Maintain master list of Steering Committee members, their roles, and their contact information.


  • Direct the financial operations of the PCO. This includes keeping records on and reporting on budgets, monthly statements and other financial activities as follows:
    • Work with Chair and/or Budget Subcommittee to create a budget and review it with the Steering Committee at the Final Business Meeting of the year. Provide monthly budget reports to the Steering Committee.
    • Maintain financial records electronically via Quickbook or other bookkeeping software approved by ECS administration.
    • Prepare monthly Treasurer’s Report to be presented at PCO meetings and archived on PCO website.
    • Write checks for PCO expenses in coordination with designated check signers on record at the bank.
    • Receive and process reimbursement requests from PCO committee chairs and volunteers.
    • Organize and file PCO receipts, financial forms, and financial statements.
    • Assist committee chairs with obtaining opening cash and closing out events and fundraisers.
    • Act as PCO contact with bank where PCO’s checking account is hosted.
    • Attend quarterly meetings with ECS COO/Business Manager.

PCO Board Representative Responsibilities

  • Attend both PCO and Board of Trustees meetings each month.
  • Submit a PCO report to the Board of Trustees monthly.
  • Provide the PCO with agenda, minutes and other public documents from the Board of Trustees meetings as requested.

PCO Committee Structure

All PCO subcommittees should be categorized in one of the following areas:

  • Communications
  • Community Support
  • Events
  • Fundraising
  • Volunteering

Steering Committee members will be appointed by the Steering Committee Chair to serve as Committee Coordinator or Co-Coordinator (up to two per committee) of each area.

All Committee Coordinators are expected to:

  • attend Steering Committee meetings
  • communicate logistical and budgetary information to the subcommittee chairs
  • provide a report to the Steering Committee on the activity of each subcommittee as necessary

Some specific responsibilities for individual Committee Coordinators are as follows:

Communications Coordinator

  • Act as the point person or designate a point person to compile PCO information for the Monday Blast each week.
  • Oversee any PCO social media use and develop/update usage guidelines as needed.

Event Coordinator

  • Develop a Scheduling Subcommittee to oversee the planning of PCO events throughout the year.
  • As events are planned, the subcommittee should determine if there are conflicts such as events being scheduled on religious holidays, events being held at the same time as other ECS activities, overscheduling of PCO events in general, etc.
  • Each spring, reach out to all event subcommittee chairs to determine if/when they would like to hold their events the following school year.
  • Before the Final Business Meeting, create a proposed schedule of PCO events, including PCO meetings, for approval by the Steering Committee and ECS Home Office.
  • Coordindate all school building use by the PCO with the ECS Facility Director.

Fundraising Coordinator

  • Review any proposed fundraisers to ensure they meet the PCO’s Fundraising Guidelines.
  • Each spring, create an annual fundraising plan and provide expected profits to the treasurer for inclusion in the budget. Present the plan to the Steering Committee at the Final Business Meeting.

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Oversee the solicitation for all volunteers for all subcommittees as necessary.
  • Provide volunteer training via email, meetings, phone conferences, etc. to new volunteers as necessary.
  • Oversee, in coordination with the Room Parent Chair, the development of a Room Parent Manual.

Technology Coordinator (under Communications Coordinator)

  • Update PCO website regularly with PCO information including meeting announcements, meeting minutes, upcoming events, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, etc.
  • Manage PCO email account by adding mailboxes or updating forwarding addresses for (sub)committee chairs and Steering Committee as needed.
  • With the Treasurer, manage the PCO’s Paypal/Square accounts and set up shopping cart webpages for events and fundraisers.
  • Receive webmaster@ecspco.org email.
  • Act as PCO contact with web/email hosting company.

PCO By-Laws