Category Archives: Staff Appreciation

January is Wish List Month

What is Wish List Month? Now is the time of year that classroom supplies might be dwindling (tissues, markers, pencils, etc.). It’s also the time of year for boring old indoor recess, so it’s a great time to stock up on board games, puzzles, books and other indoor fun activities. Check with your room parent or teaching team to find out what they need the most.

Requests from non-homebase ECS staff:

(this list will be updated as more requests come in)

Fall 2016 Thoughtfulness Challenge

The Fall 2016 Thoughtfulness Challenge is a fun staff appreciation activity. As everyone settles into the school year, let’s say “thank you” to all of our great ECS staff members! Many of our staff members filled out surveys about their favorite treats and volunteer tasks. See that list here and simply sign up to bring in the specified treat and/or to volunteer! Instructions are on the sheet. Our goal is to have all slots filled by the end of October!

Questions? Email Beth Lott.

September 30: Mini Grants Deadline

Have a good idea for an innovative project that needs a little funding? Consider the PCO Mini Grants program. Mini Grants are open to all ECS staff members, parents, and community members. We invite and encourage each grade level to participate. Mini Grants are awarded up to a limit of $250 dollars each, and are selected and voted on within two weeks of the deadlines. Our first deadline of the school year is September 30, 2016. How to Apply.

A Thoughtfulness Challenge

Every year we ask ECS staff members to fill out a survey of their favorite things. We ask their favorite treat and favorite coffee shop drink, among other things. I’m setting out a challenge to make sure every staff member that took the time to fill out the survey gets a treat from their list. Here’s the list of staff members and what they love. Simply put your name next to the staff member you’d like to gift, and send something in by the end of the year! When you choose to do it is up to you!

2016 Staff Appreciation Week

Dear Families,

We’ve been busy preparing some nice things for our teachers and staff for Staff Appreciation Week (May 2-6). We will have our annual luncheons at each building, a long time favorite, and many more surprises!

One thing we would like to do is a gift card giveaway which was very much appreciated last year. So if you are not the kind who likes to cook or bake, maybe this is for you! Just donate a gift card (any amount, any place) and we will take care of the rest! Our goal is to have at least three gift cards (or group of gift cards) per school. We will do a lottery in each school to determine the winners. If you would like to donate, please contact Sonia so we can arrange to pick up the gift card.

Sign up here for the much loved ECS PCO Staff Appreciation Luncheons. Food, supplies and volunteers needed!
Lower school staff appreciation luncheon – May 4, 2016
Upper school staff appreciation luncheon – May 5, 2016

Please contact Sonia Rathelot with any questions.

Thank you from the Staff Appreciation Week Committee

Mini Grants Awarded

playground_toysMini-grants from early fall have been awarded. You may have noticed the effects of some of these in the classroom or around the school. Fifth grade classrooms will be using Go Pro Hero video cameras during hikes and outdoor activities to document memorable experiences in nature. Both schools (and various classes in each) will be working with a new DJ Controller to learn the ins an out of music mixing; the controller will be making appearances at upcoming dances and events as well. Our Cross Country and Ultimate teams will be sheltered at future sporting events under a tent that proudly declares our ECS spirit. Finally, in the lower school, outdoor recess experience has received a boost of fun (and some exercise as well) with the addition of new toys, games and playground equipment.

Busy Bees

Have you ever stopped to think about all the busy work that goes into getting a classroom ready for a new school year? Name tags filled out, bulletin boards set up, rooms decorated, items organized and labeled, lots of cutting, printing, gluing to be completed!

We are looking for volunteers who can help teachers tackle these projects at the end of the summer. Upper school kids and adults are welcome. Email Beth Lott at if you want to be included on our list of Busy Bees! Thank you!

Staff Appreciation Week Luncheon

Our staff and teachers LOVE the luncheons we organize for them each year. It’s a lovely time for them to relax and enjoy delicious food together. So get your favorite recipe and plan to contribute for our fantastic ECS staff and teachers!

The luncheons will happen on two different days:

  • Wednesday, May 6th at the Lower School
  • Thursday, May 7th at the Upper School

If cooking is not your thing, we will also need volunteers to set up and clean up. Please sign up at the links below. Help us make this year’s luncheon another highlight that they will remember!

Lower School sign-up
Upper School sign-up